Social prescribing is when residents are linked to local community groups and services to enable them to develop skills and confidence to improve their self care and tackle the social causes of ill health and wellbeing.
Who is social prescribing for?
The service is for all adults (18+) who are North Lincolnshire residents in need of information, advice and support to cope with everyday life.
Social prescribing focuses on
- Supporting people to cope with their long-term conditions; or those of someone they may care for; increasing independence to enable and empower people to self-manage their own health and wellbeing
- Reducing social isolation; supporting those who are feeling lonely and looking for social opportunities to get more involved in the community
- Signposting people with social, emotional or practical needs to a range of local services, often provided by the voluntary and community sector
- Promoting a holistic approach to health and wellbeing by focusing on the wider determinants of health and supporting people to access relevant services e.g., housing, welfare advice and employment programmes, as well as health promotion services such as smoking cessation and physical activity.
Benefits of providing this service
Many people go to their GPs as a familiar route to seek help, but often the problem is not just a medical need – this is when the social prescribing route will be offered.
Evaluations of local social prescribing schemes have reported reduced pressure on NHS services, with reductions in GP consultations, A&E attendances and hospital bed stays for people who have received social prescribing support.
How do I access social prescribing?
Speak to your GP practice staff who will be able to directly refer you to a social prescribing link worker.